How Many Reviews Do I Need? (How To Get Reviews Before Your Book Is Even Public)

In the Reader’s Roadmap, the Ranking Route means someone will find your book by searching for genre or key ideas in a search engine like Amazon or Google. The Recommendations Route means someone will find your book because their friend recommends it or they hear about it on their favorite blog, podcast, or social media feed. In general, the Recommendations Route includes memoirs, self-help, poetry, and creative nonfiction. The Ranking Route includes sci-fi, romance, fantasy, historical fiction, and how-to books.

Based on the Reader’s Roadmap we laid out in the video, determine whether or not you fall into the Ranking Route or the Recommendations Route. If you fall into the Recommendations Route, we recommend you aim for 35 Amazon reviews in your first month. If your book is in the Ranking Route, then we recommend 20 reviews per week for your first month.

How do I get reviews? 

The first step to getting reviews is sending an email to friends and family before your book comes out. 

Here is an actual word-for-word script our authors have successfully used to get reviews for their books before their launch date. You can send this email 3-4 weeks before your book comes out.

Hey [NAME],

I’m feeling equal parts nervous and excited because I am getting closer to publishing my book, [Title], and I care so much about [insert the message/takeaway of your book]. 

I wanted to send an advance copy of the book to some of my friends and family. I’ve attached the manuscript and cover. 

I have a HUGE favor to ask. Would you be willing to read a chapter or two and leave a review on Amazon when my book comes out on [DATE]? 

Between reading a chapter and leaving a review it should take less than 20 minutes total. Reviews are the main reasons readers decide to give my message a chance. 

I can’t thank you enough,


Then send this follow-up the morning your book is released:

Hey [NAME],

Today’s the day! I can’t believe my book, [Title], is finally here. 

Would you be willing to leave a 1-2 sentence review on Amazon? It really goes a long way. If you’re not sure what to say, here are a few examples: 

[Example review]

[Example review]

I’ve been thinking about this book for years and more than anything I want this story to change the lives of readers like it has changed mine. 


We have seen that simple two-email request work time and time again. Don’t hesitate to add a few acquaintances or coworkers to this email list. People love to help authors when their book comes out. 

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